Category: Thoughts
Try this approach the next time you will demo something
Try to not be pixel perfect, try to don’t make the demo look done.
Zero-shot translations in Google Translate
We all use and love Google Translate, but have you ever thought about the technology behind it. In this paper, Google researchers explain how they have enabled the system to enable “Zero-Shot Translation” — translation between language pairs never seen explicitly by the system.
A sad story from a former Uber engineer
Sometimes I just think that our industry is all fucked up. Reading stories like this makes me really sad.
If you want to quit
I want to quit because I grew up poor, and I’m terrified that if I risk everything, I’ll die poor too. I want to quit because I stand a good chance of failing, every time I take on a client, every time I build a product or start a business or crack open a new […]
Try something new, because…
Why the hell not?
Analytics tips for developers
If you are a developer and use Google Analytics for your websites, you’ll want to read this article by Philip Walton
How to survive a sad day
Today was a sad day. But a song can always change that!
Valentine’s Day 2017
It’s Valentine’s day and this is my present View this post on Instagram A post shared by Valeria Marolda – Pasticceria professionale nella tua cucina (@mentecontorta_bakerylab) Cute, eh?
The Revenant
Yesterday I finally had the chance to watch The Revenant. It was a really good movie: stunning landscapes and a vengeance-based plot. It’s not one of those movies you would watch again and again, but I really liked it
Salon du chocolat – Milan
Today I went with Valeria to “Salon du chocolat”, an event about chocolate here in Milan. It was very informative: we talked with a lot of mâitre chocolatier and professionals. Fun fact: it was the first time we had the pleasure to enter as Press Staff, thanks to the terrific work Valeria is doing with […]