Tag: PhpStorm

  • Don’t collapse File headers by default in PHPStorm

    By default PHPStorm (which I love, BTW) collapses header comments. I think this is not a safe default, as I use header comment to give my fellow developers (or my future self) an overview about the file they’re going to read. To deactivate this behavior, just go to Settings > Editor > General > Code […]

  • How to debug with PHPStorm and PHP builtin server

    I was playing with Symfony recently, and I needed to setup debug in PHPStorm using the PHP internal web server. I’ve setup xdebug with PHPStorm in multiple environments, and each time I find a different glitch. Lucky me šŸ™‚ So, I will assume that you have PHP, xdebug, PHPStorm installed. These are the steps: Edit […]

  • PhpStorm Tips #1 – Automatically declare a class field

    Everyone should know how to get the most out of his working tool. To me, it’s the editor I use to code. That’s not the case for many of my fellow programmers, who know just the basic stuff. That’s why I’ve decided to realize these little tips. Here’s the first one, on how to automatically […]