Category: Dev Stuff
Getting started with Vim by Luca Pette
If you want to get started with Vim, I suggest you read this article by Luca Pette.
Front-end Developer Handbook by Cody Lindley
If you are in front-end development you should definitely check out this handbook by Cody Lindley. It’s packed with useful knowledge!
Sort an array by object attribute in PHP
One of those simple things that I keep forgetting. Suppose you have to sort a set of PHP objects, based on an attribute. To do this, you can implement the __toString method and use the SORT_STRING flag in the sort function: <?php class Car { private $_maker; public function __construct( $maker ) { $this->maker = $maker;…
@return tag for methods returning array of objects
I always wondered how to write the @return tag for methods that return an array of objects. Today I discovered that you have to write: <?php class AnotherClass { /** * @return MyClass[] */ public function getClasses() { // logic here return $array_of_classes; } } You can read the relevant docs here.
Set Ubuntu desktop background from Unsplash
I love having inspiring desktop background while I work. Often I leave a monitor free of anything, just to admire a wonderful photo. Unsplash is the perfect source for free stock photos, so I thought to set up a script to fetch a random image from Unsplash and set it as the desktop background on…
Don’t collapse File headers by default in PHPStorm
By default PHPStorm (which I love, BTW) collapses header comments. I think this is not a safe default, as I use header comment to give my fellow developers (or my future self) an overview about the file they’re going to read. To deactivate this behavior, just go to Settings > Editor > General > Code…
Can you have a life outside coding?
Life happens. People meet other people who become partners. People have kids. People build families. Developers are people. A great post by Belén Albeza
Update autoloader with Composer
I keep forgetting this: to update an autoloader created with Composer issue this command $ composer dump-autoload
The Art of the Commit
A great excerpt from the book “Git for humans”: The Art of the Commit
Resilient Web Design
The World Wide Web has been around for long enough now that we can begin to evaluate the twists and turns of its evolution. I wrote this book to highlight some of the approaches to web design that have proven to be resilient. A great (and free) book by Jeremy Keith