Category: WordPress

  • WordPress Theme Handbook Released

    The WordPress Theme Handbook has been released yesterday. Give it a read! And if you want to help, you can suggest improvements & co on the Trello board

  • A meeting about HTTPS on Making WordPress

    A meeting about HTTPS on Making WordPress

    Wednesday I attended to my first meeting in Making WordPress Slack channel. It was about HTTPS and there are two goals. The first one is to look for a way to migrate from an HTTP site without human intervention. The other is about introducing a way to enable HTTPS during installation. Technicalities apart, what struck […]

  • A component-based deploy strategy for WP Engine

    A component-based deploy strategy for WP Engine

    Deploying to WP Engine, one component at a time.

  • A year in WordCamps

    A year in WordCamps

    So, it’s the end of the year once again, and we’re all making our year’s balance. For me, 2015 is the year I turned from an anonymous WordPress developer to an (equally) anonymous WordPress community member. I’m writing this three weeks after the inaugural WordCamp US in Philadelphia. It’s been (roughly) just one year after my first WordCamp […]

  • Me at WordCamp Europe 2015 – Seville

    Me at WordCamp Europe 2015 – Seville

    Two weeks ago I attended WordCamp Europe 2015 and it was truly an amazing experience. This was my second WordCamp (I was in Sofia last year). Seville Seville was hot! Trust me, I’m from Naples, Italy, and I know what does it mean when it gets hot in Summer. But Seville…as the taxi driver said: “No […]

  • 10 Useful WordPress functions (and maybe more)

    These are the slides for my talk at WordPress Meetup Milano, May 2015

  • WordPress Meetup Milano Luglio 2015

    Questo mese il WordPress meetup di Milano si terrà il 16 Luglio. Parleremo del recente WordCamp Europe Sevilla e pianificheremo la strada per i prossimi incontri. Se sei di Milano e ti interessa contribuire alla community di WordPress, vieni a trovarci! Saremo in via Ludovico D’Aragona 9, presso Drivek. Source: WordPress › Italia « Milano […]

  • WordPress in Google 🙂

    Finalmente ci sono riuscito!!!! E’ da un paio di giorni che sto cercando (inutilmente :S ) di far rilevare il sito da parte di Google, e dopo aver provato varie strade ( prese dal sito di supporto di ), ho cercato di capire qual’era il problema. La verifica, dopo aver caricato la sitemap in […]