Entrepreneurship, product management, design & software.
Helen Hou-Sandí: Code is Poetry – A Musician’s Tale
There’s so much you can learn from a musician or a designer or a content strategist or a project manager or a woman or a person of color. Please celebrate each other […]
A quote from Boston Celtics gym
What hurts more: The pain of hard work or the pain of regret?
Fixing ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError in Rails
If you get this error: rails aborted! ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError: FATAL: database "students_development" does not exist while trying to run rails db:migrate or create a scaffold, remember to run: $ rails db:create before going on
Fixing an error installing Rails with PostgreSQL on Ubuntu
Today while installing Ruby on Rails with PostgreSQL for a personal project, I incurred in this error: Installing pg 0.18.4 with native extensions Gem::Ext::BuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. … An error occurred while installing pg (0.18.4), and Bundler cannot continue. Make sure that `gem install pg -v ‘0.18.4’` succeeds before bundling. As […]
Robert Capa on pictures
If your pictures aren’t good you’re not close enough
WordCamp Europe 2016 & Vienna
Here are my photos! WordCamp Europe 2016 & Vienna Album on Google Photos
Reacting to React: setup a base project
I wanted to have a step by step procedure to have a basic React project to fiddle with, without using some online service like JSFiddle. Maybe I’m an old-fashioned developer, but I like to have the source code for my experiments on my hard drive, always available, even when I’m offline. That’s also why in […]
Un regalo dal passato
(Sorry English friends, this post is in Italian 🙂 ) Oggi stavo mettendo ordine tra le mie cose, quando è spuntato fuori questo foglio, macchiato e strappato: È la bozza dell’apertura di una commedia organizzata al quarto anno del liceo. Questo il testo (la mia grafia è sempre stata semi-illeggibile): Buonasera a tutti Eccoci qua […]
Natalie Merchant – David Bowie’s Space oddity – Live 1999
Usually I don’t like covers, but this is really good.
Building a better code review process
So what do you look at first when reviewing a new change to a software system? That’s easy: You start with the customer’s need, you proceed to the customer’s happiness, and then you work your way down to the code from there. — Gregory Brown https://www.oreilly.com/ideas/building-a-better-code-review-process
Got any book recommendations?