Entrepreneurship, product management, design & software.
November Indie Hackers Milan Meetup
Last Thursday we had our first Indie Hackers Milan meetup. The meetup I gave a quick presentation about the meetup and how Valeria, Bignè and I decided to start this adventure, then we jumped headfirst in the discussion.
A PHP time-lapse: tools and resources for Modern PHP
PHP has come a long way since its humble beginnings as a simple scripting language and Modern PHP has several peculiar traits (see what I did there?) But with a simple Google search along with great material about how to write Modern PHP you will find a lot of outdated blog posts or resources that […]
How to excel as a developer, designer, marketer (or anything else)
Little actions, repeated in time, transform us. I have always been very curious and since I can remember I was interested to know how to learn better. Why should we improve ourselves Obviously, the first question that we have to ask ourselves when we begin a new path should be “Why should I do it?”. […]
Treat Failure Like a Scientist
When a scientist runs an experiment, there are all sorts of results that could happen. Some results are positive and some are negative, but all of them are data points. Each result is a piece of data that can ultimately lead to an answer. And that’s exactly how a scientist treats failure: as another data […]
Come migliorare come developer, designer, marketer, (o qualsiasi altra cosa tu voglia) – Talk Notes
Queste sono le note per il talk che ho tenuto a WordCamp Milano 2018. Qui potete trovare le slide. Il Talk Voglio iniziare questo talk con una storia. Si dice che un giornalista andò ad intervistare Joe Dimaggio, uno dei più famosi giocatori di baseball della storia, a casa sua.Durante l’intervista gli fece la domanda: […]
Your improvement is your responsibility
I really liked the introduction from the book Exercises for Programmers, by Brian P. Hogan: Practice makes permanent. A concert pianist practices many hours a day, learning music, practicing drills, and honing her skills. She practices the same piece of music over and over, learning every little detail to get it just right. Because when she […]
Back from the holidays: hiking around Monte Bianco
When I was younger, I usually went hiking with my dad. He had one of those hiking guides that lists all the walks in a certain region; I still remember the name: “Il Cammina Campania. Guida WWF”. I have wonderful memories of those walks: the early wake-up, me sleeping in the car, the 4+ hours […]
Quote by Ansel Adams
You don’t take a photograph, you make it Ansel Adams
How to Pick a Career by Tim Urban
We all have been there. That feeling of being pushed by something on our path. The idea that something else could be right for us. If you find yourself in the middle of a career that doesn’t fit you, do yourself a favor, set aside a few hours, and read this article: How to Pick […]
Watch your thoughts. They become words. Watch your words. They become deeds. Watch your deeds. They become habits. Watch your habits. They become character. Character is everything.
Got any book recommendations?